The countless tributes to "I Am With You" include the following:
"The little book speaks for itself. Read slowly and pondered on will bring peace. Never dates, always fresh." (Sister Wendy Beckett, Author)
"A very special book which will bless countless people." (Prebendary John Pearce)
"I recommend "I Am With You" to all who desire to draw nearer to the heart of God." (John Bevere, author and speaker, USA)
"What a wonderful companion for your daily journey." (Dr Jack Hayford, USA)
""I Am With You" will bring peace and consolation to all who read it." (Cardinal Murphy O'Connor, Archbishop of Westminister, UK)
"I have never experienced such a closeness to Jesus." (Fran Gunning, USA)
""I Am With You" is a little gem." (authoress Joyce Huggett, UK)
"One of those time-stoppers for busy Christians, "I Am With You" provides moments of renewal for our overcrowded lives." (Dr Paul Walker, Church of God International, USA)
"Before reading "I Am With You" I was full of guilt and fear; Now I want everyone to know how wonderful the book is." (English reader)
""I Am With You" will deeply move many people." (Fr. Robert de Grandis, USA)
"A lovely book of devotions; we use it daily." (Dr Donald English, former Methodist Conference President, UK)
""I Am With You" is so powerful." (Babara Anicich, USA)
"The Holy Spirit breathes through every page." (Dr Robert Llewelyn)
"In these beautiful words we have the touch of God." (Margaret Green Canade)
"Reading "I Am With You" is a real joy." (Bishop John Crowley, UK)
""I Am With You" is wonderfully inspiring." (Betty Tapscott, USA)
"The book has changed my life." (Fr. F. Bernard, S.J, India)
"The most wonderful book I have read." (Fr. Tom Cass, Tyneside, UK)